Thursday 29 September 2011

Shot List of Thriller Opening

Shot  1:
Camera is in longshot on man and woman dancing in a field, then camera zooms in into a midshot on the couple. Couple are dancing with dialouge of woman giggleing. Couple are showing emotion of love and affection. Roughly 5 seconds.
Shot 2:
Shot rerverse shot of couple exchanging dialouge. Roughly 5 seconds.
Shot 3:
Scene cuts to a tilt shot on mysterious man stood staring at the happy couple. Shot is from behind him, he walks slowly, and the camera zooms out from his feet, untill all of his body is revealed. Couple are in background in longshot. Camera follows mysterious man walking behind the couple. Roughly 10-15 seconds.
Shot 4:
Shot reverse shot of an exchange of eyeline matches between the mysterious man and the man in the couple. Camera is then from the mysterious man’s point of view. The man in the couple then gives a suttle nod of the head. Roughly 5 seconds.
Shot 5:
Camera is now in the man in the couple’s point of view. He spins he girl out whilst smiling and giggleing. He lets go and shot reverses into her point of view, as she gets dragged away by the mysterious man. Roughly 5 seconds
Shot 6:
Camera is from her point of view watching the man who was in the couple fade away into the distance. The camera is now hand held, to create the effect of being dragged backwards. Heavy breathing and screams are attached to add tension. Roughly 10 seconds.
Shot 7:
Woman then falls, as if she has been let go. Camera is now on the floor at a canted angle. Man from the couple slowly walks into the shot.  Roughly 3 seconds.
Shot 8:
Camera only shows some of his body. Heavy breathing from the woman to add tension, camera is on the floor at a canted angle to withhold information about what is going on. Roughly 5 seconds.
Shot 9:
Camera is still on only part of the man from the couple’s body. You can hear heavy breathing from the girl. The man then says 1-2 words of dialouge. Girls breathing gets louder and faster. Roughly 5 seconds.
Shot 10:
Complete white fad out. Still with heavy breathing. Roughly 3 seconds.
Shot 11:
Sound of a gunshot with the heavy breathing instantly cutting out. Roughly 2 seconds.

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