Tuesday 4 October 2011


1. Two people, man and woman are in a field, dancing happily in a feild. They are in love, and exchanging laughs and smiles. in the background there will be a romantic melody. The audience will be viewing scenery of a feild and the couple in central of the shot.

2. Shot reverse shot is used when the couple exchange short dialouge. They are happy and exchanging words of love and joy. The first shot will be from the mans point of view whilst he's talking then swap to her point of view with her reply of dialouge. (Sets the atmosphere to be happy and a sense of enjoyment) in the background there will be quiet slow music.

3. A tilt shot is used to reveal a mysterious man, who is staring at the 'happy' couple in the distance. He is slowly revealed showing all of him as he walks forward, the camera then follows him round as he walks slowly behind the couple. in the background the romantic music will continue but end with a sinister twist. The camera will be from his point of view, watching the couple.

4. Shot reverse shot is used to show the eyeline match between the man in the couple and the mysterious man. The woman is unaware of the men's awareness of each other. Audience will be vewing the mysterious man from the man in the couples point of view and then through the mysterious mans point of view, matching the mans eyeline, whilst also viewing the niave girl in the couple. The fast tension building music continues.

5. The camera shot is in the mysterious mans point of view. The man in the couple gives the mysterious man a suttle head nod without the woman seeing. This makes the audience eager to find out what happens.

6. Man in the couple swings the woman out giving the impression he is going to swing her back in, but doesn't. Leaving her worried and confused. (this is viewed from the man in the couples point of view) The mysterious man catches her and drags her backwards, she starts to scream. The beat speeds up as he grabs her.

7. The camera is now hand held, in the womans point of view. You can hear her screaming and heavy breathing, whilst the man from the couple is fading into the distance. the song would slow down and fade out so you can hear her breathing.

8. Mysterious man lets go of the woman and leaves her on the floor. The camera is now at a canted angle to withold information from the audience. The woman is behind the camera and you can still hear her breathing and it gets heavier as the man from the couple slowly walks into the shot.

9. The man slowly walks into the shot and once reached the woman, he stops and the camera does not show all of him, only part of him, again to withold information from the audience and they cannot see his facial expression.

10. Man says one or two words of dialouge to the woman. The womans breathing instantly gets heavier and faster in reaction to what he just said. (Camera still at the canted angle.)

11. Instant total white fadeout. The sound of the womans breathing is still in the background.

12. A sound of a gunshot is heard and the womans heavy breathing instantly cuts out.
(End of Scene)

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