Thursday 6 October 2011


In our opening scene there will be a long shot of two characters dancing in a field and then there will be old fashioned music playing in the background, zooms in into a midshot on the the couple are dancing a sinister man walks in wearing a long black cloak, there will be a tilt shot going up his body but not reviling his face He starts strolling across behind the couple and the couple rotates the man see’s the man and nods the sinister man. There will be an eye line match between the male dancer and the sinister man. Then steps back and the male dancer release the female dancer there will be a shot reverse shot between the male and female dancer then she is dragged by the sinister man she is screaming. She is dropped and the camera shot of the field around them but nobody in the shot. The male dancer appears slowly with a gun then there is a whitewash and you hear a gunshot.

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